Fitness HLG

Exercises for the pelvic floor and core in pregnant women

These are safe pelvic floor exercises and basic core exercises that most pregnant women can do safely. *Always consult your Doctor before starting any exercise routine.

These are some of the easiest exercises to do they’re called Kegel exercises I think everyone knows what they are but
not nearly everyone does them as much as they should to perform a proper kegel exercise you want to contract the
muscles that you would to stop the flow of urine or gas by contracting these muscles you should almost feel a lifting
of the pelvic floor that’s how you know that you’re doing exercises correctly so what you want to do it’s not just
actually doing the exercise but it’s holding this contraction for up to 10 seconds think about these muscles working throughout the entire day as you’re standing walking and moving they need to be pretty strong over long periods of time to support the uterus and the baby so when you do these exercises you’re going to contract hold for 10 seconds and then relax you want to work up to 3 sets of 10 of these exercises after your 14th week of pregnancy.

It’s not recommended to lie supine anymore for this reason getting into quadruped a door on your hands and knees is a really great position to start strengthening your core muscles so coming into this position you want to make sure that your hands are under your shoulders and your knees under your hips and you can just work in this position to some some mobility so kind of just inhaling and rolling your hips under tucking your tailbone under to create more of an arch in your spine and then coming back down into extension as we start to work on stability we want to focus on more of a neutral spine – keeping your back flat through here so think about tightening your core muscles or bring your pubic bone up towards your belly button and just holding that contraction creating a neutral spine back through here if you can all that for about five seconds and then relax.

If you’re having a hard time feeling this contraction you  can initiate it with a kegel exercise so contracting with lower abdominal muscles and you should just feel kind of a subtle kind of tightness back there though as these exercises start to get easy you can just come into a nice neutral position and from here you can lift one arm up holding for about five seconds and coming back down and then again on the other side the whole time maintaining that neutral spine you want to make sure that you don’t kind of let this sag down so I always recommend resetting in between exercises tightening your core and getting your back nice and neutral as the arms get easy you can start to add legs an easier leg option is to just slide a leg back and come er side tight core and lift up when you’re lifting your leg you want to be really careful that you’re not rotating through your spine so this is what that would look like this is what you should not do don’t lift and Rosie you want to keep your hips nice and neutral facing the ground back flat core nice and tight and stable in come in as the legs get easy then you can start to combine the arms and the legs so again reset tight course neutral spine yo u can do an arm and a leg and come back in and as that gets easy you can lift and do the arm and the leg and come back in you.

Natural Synergy

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